Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
7th International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, will be organized around the theme “Enlightening the Future Scope of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials”
Magnetic Materials 2022 is comprised of 10 tracks and 6 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Magnetic Materials 2022.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The Force of attraction acting from a distance is known as Magnetism. Magnetic field is produced by the movement of electrically charged particles. North and south poles are two poles in a magnet. Opposite poles of two magnets will attract each other and like poles will repel each other. In magnets and electric currents, magnetism symbolizes to the attraction of iron and other metals. In everyday life paramagnetic, diamagnetic, and antiferromagnetic materials are often described as non-magnetic as the force of a magnet on is usually too weak to be felt, and can be detected only by laboratory instruments.
- Track 1-1Diamagnetism
- Track 1-2Paramagnetism
- Track 1-3Ferromagnetism
- Track 1-4Computational and theoretical magnetism
- Track 1-5Ferrimagnetism
Materials Science is a scientific discipline, growing in current times to mount glass, polymers, ceramics, biomaterials and composite materials. Materials science consists of the unearthing and proposal of new materials. Most crucial scientific problems that are currently faced by humans are due to the restrictions of the materials that are obtainable and, as a result, major revolutions in materials science are expected to affect the future technology. Materials scientists mostly highlights on making out how the past of a material effects its structure, its possessions and performance. Many products are made from materials such as all engineered products from airplanes to musical instruments; alternative energy sources associated with ecologically-friendly engineering developments, computer chips to data storage devices medical devices to artificial tissues.
- Track 2-1Condensed matter physics
- Track 2-2Materials paradigm
- Track 2-3Metallurgy and mineralogy
- Track 2-4Construction materials
- Track 2-5Smart materials
- Track 2-6Polymer science and technology
Electromagnetic phenomena are defined in terms of the electromagnetic force and sometimes called as Lorentz force, which contains both electricity and magnetism as different indexes of the same phenomenon. It plays a major role in determining the internal properties of most objects encountered in daily life. An important characteristic of electromagnetism is the science of electricity, which is concerned with the behavior of aggregates of charge, including the distribution of charge within matter and the motion of charge from place to place.
- Track 3-1Electromagnetic induction
- Track 3-2Electromagnetic devices and Optoelectronic devices
- Track 3-3Magnetic shielding and electromagnetic compatibility
- Track 3-4Magneto-resistance and Magneto-impedance
- Track 3-5Magneto-dielectric materials
- Track 3-6Electromagnetic radiation
- Track 3-7Magnetic sensors
Spintronics is an evolving arena of nanoscale electronics concerning the recognition and operation of electron spin. Electron spin can be distinguished as a magnetic field having one of two alignments, known as up and down. This provides an additional two binary states to the conventional low and high logic values, which are represented by simple currents. Magnetization dynamics is the branch of solid-state physics that defines the evolution of the magnetization of a material. Atomic-level dynamics includes interactions between magnetization Dynamics, electrons, and photons.
- Track 4-1Spin pumping and Spinorbitronics
- Track 4-2Spin orbit torque and skyrmions
- Track 4-3Magnetic semiconductors and organic spintronics
- Track 4-4Spin waves
- Track 4-5Spin caloritronics
- Track 4-6Antiferromagnetic spintronics
- Track 4-7Magnonics
- Track 4-8Magnetoplasmonics
Nanotechnology is the perfection and practice of materials at molecular, atomic and macromolecular scales. The field of materials science includes the detection, classification, possessions, and applications of nanoscale materials. Materials property at nanoscale fluctuates expressively from the higher scale material properties. Nanotechnology products are now in practice. Scientists and experts are expecting the marketplaces are going to raise by hundreds of billions of euros throughout this era. Nanotechnology is the controlling and regulation of matter at magnitudes between roughly 1 and 100 nanometers, where exceptional wonders allow innovative usages. Encircling nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology comprises imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating material at this dimension measure.
- Track 5-1Nano structures and devices
- Track 5-2Advanced nanomaterials
- Track 5-3Magnetic clusters and nanoparticles
- Track 5-4Nanomagnetism
- Track 5-5Synthesis of nanomaterials and properties
Permanent materials are also called hard materials. Permanent magnets utilize rare earth magnetic materials in signaling devices and computers. Signaling devices have forces up to ten times of that ordinary magnet and they have high durability. Magneto-optic magnets are used for memory system in computers, are spot-size magnets which are made with thin wafers. Hard magnets are used in data storage analog and digital also. Soft magnetic materials are easily magnetized and demagnetized magnetic materials. The applications of soft magnetic materials were divide into two main categories- AC and DC. In DC applications the material executes an operation when magnetized and then demagnetized at the end of the operation. In AC applications the material will be endlessly cycled from being magnetized in unique direction to the other, through the period of operation. Soft magnets are used in signal transferring.
- Track 6-1Intermetallic and other Hard Magnetic Materials
- Track 6-2Ordered Alloys
- Track 6-3Hard Magnet Processing
- Track 6-4Ceramics
- Track 6-5Rare-earth transition metal borides
- Track 6-6Quantum devices
- Track 6-7Nanostructured Hard Magnetic Materials
The magnetic anisotropy in effective magnetic materials, which surfaces from the arrangement of magnetic moments under external field, can be developed at different structural scales. Magnetic patterning, magnetic ordering, and text ration are at the beginning of this anisotropy development. Present improved superconducting magnet technology allows higher field intensities to be produced more easily and enables researchers to gather evidence on magnetic field effects that were formerly thought to be negligible. The magneto-thermodynamic effect is one of them and includes the magnetization energy as an extra parameter to modify microstructures. Magnetic monitoring of the phase transformation results control of functional properties, and kinetics can be impacted by the magnetic energy contribution.
- Track 7-1Magnetic thin films and multilayers
- Track 7-2Magneto-caloric materials and devices
- Track 7-3Molecular magnets
- Track 7-4Patterned films
- Track 7-5Heavy fermion systems
Magnetic disk read-heads, magnetic random-access memories and spin-dependent conveyance assemblies can all be protected by the term magnetoelectronic devices. This assessment covers features of exploitation of this physical property for magnetic nonvolatile memories and spin-dependent transference in magnetic multilayers. Materials that exhibit more than one of the primary ferroic properties are defined as multiferroics. Magnetoelectric and multiferroics are both space-inversion and time-reversal anti-symmetric (ferromagnetic and ferroelectric). Most multiferroic materials identified to date are transition-metal oxides, which are compounds made of transition metals with oxygen and often an additional main-group cation. For identifying multiferroics, transition-metal oxides are a favorable class of materials.
- Track 8-1Multifunctional magnetic materials
- Track 8-2Giant magnetoresistance
- Track 8-3Magnetoelectric interfaces
- Track 8-4Magnetic tunnel junction
- Track 8-5Complex oxides
- Track 8-6Magnetoresistance
The phenomenon occurs in certain materials, called superconductors of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic flux fields is known as superconductivity. Superfluidity is the property of liquid where it acts as a zero tension liquid. Together with this phenomenon are reached actual low temperatures and have a challenge in accomplishing this period. Also succeeding this phenomenon at high temperature is a challenge to researchers and a bit of work is going on for this. Rather than this, superconductors are having a wide range of presentations in modern-day laboratories and new infrastructures.
- Track 9-1Superfluidity
- Track 9-2Magnetic superconductors
- Track 9-3Fe-based superconductivity
- Track 9-4Boron-based superconductivity
- Track 9-5Ferrofluids
Geomagnetism defines the Earth's magnetic field, which extends from the Earth's internal core to where it meets the solar wind. Geomagnetic reversals are shifts in Earth's magnetic field in which the positions of the magnetic north and south are switched. In spite of total field strength, the gradiometers measure magnetic field gradient. Magnetic gradient irregularities generally give a superior meaning of shallow covered elements, for example, covered tanks and drums. The profundity penetration of magnetic studies is unaffected by high electrical ground conductivities, which makes them valuable on sites with saline groundwater, earth or abnormal amounts of defilement where the GPR and Electromagnetic methods struggle.
- Track 10-1Magnetic and mineralogical studies
- Track 10-2Electromagnetic induction in the earth and planetary bodies
- Track 10-3Structure of the geomagnetic field
- Track 10-4Paleomagnetism
- Track 10-5Archeomagnetism
- Track 10-6Rock magnetism